

Give Trump benefit of doubt


I don’t say this often, but let’s give Donald Trump the benefit of the doubt. During Trump’s instantly infamous Oval Office meeting with Volodymyr Zelenskyy last week, the Ukrainian president was determined to make one point above all: that Russian President Vladimir Putin is not to be ...

Taking rights seriously


“If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, Mankind would be no more justified In silencing that one person, Than he, if he had the power, Would be justified in silencing mankind.” — John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) The world ...

Wapo on Gitmo


Since President George W. Bush opened the facility in 2002, at the height of the “ war on terror,” the American military prison at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba has been associated with torture, isolation, indefinite detention and the denial of basic constitutional protections, including the ...

Questions, questions

Letters To The Editor

To the Journal editor: “We are finding billions of dollars of waste.”- Elon Musk. No, they are not. We are finding billions of dollars of fraud”- Elon Musk. No, they are not. “ We are saving America billions of dollars” -Again, Elon Musk. No, they are not. Do you ...

Time to spring forward this Sunday


Anyone with a small child or a dog will tell you that the first few days after a time change can be difficult to navigate. Toddler’s well-tuned bedtimes are thrown into chaos, dogs have their daily routine memorized until your routine no longer matches up. Needless to say, nobody is ...

Democrats looked silly


There they were, dressed in hot pink, waving signs, banging on a cane. If that is what counts as resistance, we are all in trouble. The fact is that by showing up, the Democrats gave the president an audience he doesn’t deserve. Would they all have shown up at a Donald Trump campaign ...