
Unethical activity observed here

To the Journal editor:

In summer of 2023 one of our bird alliance members was observing an active osprey nest in a tall snag in a lake.

The adults were attending the nest which contained young ospreys when a drone approached and hovered just above the nest, which caused the adults to flush from the nest.

The osprey is a large, fish-eating raptor which suffered a worldwide population drop from DDT poisoning, habitat loss and persecution along with the bald eagle, sandhill crane and many other species.

The Michigan population historically was decimated, but the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, along with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, took steps to recover the species and as a result, the species was able to be removed from the state list of threatened and endangered species, a true conservation success story.

Under the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act, harassing birds in an active nest that results in a loss of nest productivity is a violation of the act. Causing disruption in feeding of the young or causing eggs or young to be thrown out of the nest could be a violation of the law and just plain unethical.

Our local chapter of the Audubon Society, Laughing Whitefish Bird Alliance, advocates for protecting birds, other wildlife and local habitats through conservation, education, advocacy and outdoor enjoyment.

We maintain that birds and other wildlife, which belong to all of us, should never be unethically exploited for personal enjoyment, profit or reputation.

We encourage everyone to enjoy watching and photographing birds, but always in a manner that respects the ability of the birds to carry out their life functions without disturbance or harassment.

This can be done by following a few simple guidelines found in the: “Audubon’s Guide to Ethical Bird Photography and Videography” — Audubon



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