Trump badly missed mark
To the Journal editor:
(Recently), I witnessed, televised from the Oval Office, perhaps the most deplorable example of diplomacy in American history.
Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelinsky, was seeking renewed U.S. support in a three-year war of aggression against Ukraine by Russia, under the leadership of President Vladmir Putin and offering the U.S., in return, access to Ukrainian mineral resources.
President Trump and his vice-president assumed the role of bullies, attacking President Zelinksy with untruthful (fact check it for yourself) statements and comments belittling his efforts to save his Ukrainian democracy from destruction by the forces of Russian dictator Putin.
President Trump seems to have forgotten, or chooses to eliminate the traditional role of the United States as leader of the free/democratic world. His support of President Putin is a clear danger to the future of the U.S. and to our relationship with long standing allies of democratic fundamentals around the world.
This encounter in the Oval Offive was no accident. President Trump and his allies clearly planned to discredit and humiliate President Zelinksy and the Ukrainian people before the world. It was a deplorable, disgusting and cowardly act, aligned with his stated desire to be a dictator and king as the elected leader of the United States of America.
His behavioral example of leadership was certainly not presidential, lacking integrity, honesty or decency befitting a “leader of the free world.”
Respectfully submitted with personal concern,