History 101
To the Journal editor:
Throughout the ages maps have been one form of communication. A map is a reference guide to what lies ahead.The ‘lay of the land’ description on a map can prepare one to navigate the terrain and bodies of water. Map making developed from observable physical references. These references/landmarks could be reached by foot and eventually by some mode of transportation.
Astronomy has been a navigational tool for explorers adding science to the process of how to make map(s). Information about a planned route enhanced efficiency, survival and acquisitions throughout travels.
Agrarian, hunter and gather and nomadic societies benefited with the aid of map(s). A body of water encourages vegetation as a food, medicine and utility source. It is also where land and water meet.
By 1400, cartography-drawing of maps, acquiring accounts from explorers, encouraged colonization. throughout 1400-1600 maps of the constellations were an assist to earth cartography map making.
Following the death of Columbus in 1506, the continent identified as America — originally many nations — was named America in 1507 by Martin Waldseemuller, a German cartographer. The name given to the greatest cartography project at the time was in recognition of the Italian explorer Vaspucci Amerigo. A couple examples of places named after an explorer are Cook’s Island for James Cook and Tasmania for Abel Tasman.naming a land confers an identity that may reflect the culture, such as Native names. Mexico, where the official language is Spanish and there are 68 indigenous languages, is named after the Aztacs who identified as Mexicah.
The vital life sustaining Gulf of Mexico incorporates in it’s name recognized on national and global maps, the Latin word gulphus meaning body of water partially enclosed by land. Mexico is the 13th largest country in the world, 1/5th the size of the U.S. and 5 times the size of Texas. The population is diverse and united.
Expansionism is easily recognized and employed, naming/renaming places thereby collapsing, compressing and erasing cultures. Denying the life way nuances whereby to wield control/power as the objective to reach profit/economic and material wealth as the goal occurred throughout history in every part of the world. Expansionism (annexations and interventions the Manifest Destiny procurements of the Louisiana Purchase,Oregon Territory, Colonization of Native American lands and Soviet Union of Eastern Europe followed historical patterns.
The Mongol Empire held merely from 1206-1294. The Roman Empire military conquests of Western Europe, North Africa and the Middle East endured until 476 AD. Byzantine — eastern Roman Empire — succumbed to barbarian invasions/Ottoman Turks by 1453 AD. Governing strengths were; embodying tolerance of conquered nations, economic growth and military ability.
Following World War II, the German population was destitute — economically impoverished — lacking infrastructure with a depleted workforce compounding an industrial decline.
All of Europe and the military from other countries (including our own) had experienced gruesome and unimaginable destruction through a dictator and his followers. “I allied myself with the greatest demagogue in the history of the world.” (morning of Tuesday, Jan. 31, 1933 Germany. from ‘The Oligarchs Who Came to Regret Supporting Hitler’ The Atlantic.And more atrocities followed (right?).
“That was the duh moment I had with myself: well obviously because he doesn’t car about anybody other than himself, and you’re an idiot for thinking otherwise.” January 6ers who left Trumpism” John Hendrickson, ‘The Atlantic’ staff writer.
“Try explaining Hitler to a kid.” George Carlin page 76 Brain Droppings
We’re experiencing our consequences. Our American Dream? “The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it.”George Carlin page 83 Brain Droppings. and here we are near the shores of Lake Superior.