Bad things are happening
To the Journal editor:
I have written our (U.S. Rep.) Jack Bergman, R-Watersmeet, regarding our agreement we have with Ukraine. Basically the U.S. along with other countries guaranteed Ukraine’s sovereignty in return they would give up their nuclear weapons. Under Trump, it appears we are refusing to stand behind that agreement.
My question is simple: If we are flushing the agreement down the toilet, should we not return Ukraine’s nuclear weapons?
Next, for everyone that saw the news convergence with Musk, I have a simple question for the Trump supporters: Elon Musk said that GODE has read only authority as he reviews secret and very sensitive information. My question is simple, How the …. can an individual with read-only authority stop people from going to work? Shout down whole departments. Fire inspector generals that are investigating his companies. It seems to me both of these can not be true.
And then, in my opinion, if a dictator wants to be is trying to take over the government, he first gets people to doubt the news. He then tries to take over the legislative and judicial branches
Did you hear Musk say the federal judge that did not agree with Trump should be impeached?
People should be scared very scared!