
Self reflection needed today

To the Journal editor:

On Jan. 22, at 9:40 a.m. elected president-Donald Trump — who possesses and can wield the power to do so, did not declare a state of emergency for the severely impacted by natural disasters on United States soils.

States can and do and have done so. The disaster relief is a lengthy process and great devastation requires supplemental federal aid to be restorative beyond daily provisions and temporary shelters.

Ever since we hit the ground running toward where we all are today, distinguishing ourselves as the human species, we have had among us those who cheat, lie and oppress. “Being a bully was the only route to the top,”Jerry Useem wrote in the article ‘Nice Guys or Jerks’ in the June 15 Atlantic.

This characteristic trait determines hierarchy or as the article states, “pecking order.”

The reach of hierarchy was conceived as manifest destiny. Following food and shelter, the pressure on our ability to survive included us. “Getting people to give up is easier than it looks,” quoted Lincoln Stefen from a corrupt politician and included in the article “Master of Disaster” by Alex Steffen in the February 2025 Mother Jones magazine. That’s power is dominance.

We also have care providers, creators and instructors/teachers. The bar was raised within our homosapien development.We drew on how we experienced our world for explanations and understanding our survival

Our mortality and survival became acutely apparent realities. Prestige was earned with comprehension of where we were and what we were capable of as well as challenged by know how, was respected as an aid to be able to live better.

To be fair (here) aggressiveness/assertiveness are traits that cannot only advance one, but self protect and protect others including from others. “Tough without being toxic” from “Nice Guys or Jerks.”

Altruism is seemingly less lauded. Yet, true altruism is conscious valuing others. Their survival is our survival. Altruism goes beyond the entertainment of hopes and prayers well wishing. Altruism inspires and provides.

At present, we have situations (for example our natural disasters) that require all hands on deck. To quibble over ableness, beliefs, ethnicity, gender and race is a mockery of our humanity.

In short, it is petty.

Can we all be so Q and A deprived within our privileged bubbles (as to) to not recognize it’s vulnerability?

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