Inspectors needed
It is hard to say what being American is. Valuing independence, hard work and freedom are part of it. So are advertising, consumerism and over-the-top entertainment. When I think about being an American citizen, I think about how we structure our government and public conversations.
Americans don’t trust their government completely, even if we agree with those in power. Checks and balances came even before democracy in this country. We value separation of powers, individual rights, democracy, and the rule of law, and we spell those out in our Constitution.
We expect our government to be accountable to us, not just the rich and powerful. We also think it’s important to be able to say our piece, even if it’s wrong or offensive, and to be able to get information about what’s going on.
As a patriotic citizen, I’m angered by President Trump’s firing of inspectors general last Friday. For me, this firing is so bad because it has the least to do with what he said he’d do and because it flies in the face of those American values I described above.
The inspectors general were created after the Nixon administration’s Watergate scandal. Their responsibility is, roughly, to be the naysayer, the complainer, the guy who goes looking for problems. They can’t do anything, other than investigate. They have no ability to make decisions, start programs, or change how things are done.
They just keep an eye on everything from the inside and report back to Congress and the public about anything they find that went poorly, that was wasteful, or that was illegal. Inspectors general are critical in the ongoing challenge to root out government waste and inefficiency, they help prevent fraud, and they help the people who do make decisions identify ways that our government can run better.
Most importantly, inspectors general provide a check on the power of government itself, especially abuses of government. They can’t stop or change anything, but they can make sure everyone knows about it. If it’s really a problem, everyone will know about it, and the president, congress and voters can act to remedy the situation. This is just how the America I want to believe in should work.
It is hard for me to see the value in these firings. Firing the people who air the dirty laundry is the opposite of “draining the swamp,” the campaign slogan President Trump was once known for. If you don’t completely trust your government, this firing is an affront. I recognize that inspectors general serve at the pleasure of the president.
He has the authority to terminate them, but only after a process detailed by law. The fact that these firings were declared without that process, late on a Friday evening, feels like an attack on the idea that every citizen has a right to know what their government is doing.
If you don’t agree with President Trump’s policies, there is much to be troubled by in his first week. Whether you agree with his policies or not, these firings are offensive. I hope Rep. Bergman, with his interest in government efficiency and accountability, and Sens. Peters and Slotkin take concrete actions to push back against these unlawful firings.
I hope my fellow citizens have their back by looking up their offices and sending them a quick email demanding pushback. Whatever our government does, we the people should get to know about it.