
There is one earth

To the Journal editor:

Right at the outset, we have had (and still do) those whose deeds and orations have been for the good.

Healers, who reflexily cared for others. Those who lead by example giving guidance. Teachers sharing learned knowledge with images, language and written words.

Brothers and sisters having the common bond of our very existence is reason enough to intuit it’s preciousness.

And mothers and fathers provide safety and well being at whatever cost.

They, we, us are still here on earth shared by our non-human relatives with us to freely live here.

Discriminating, marginalizing and stigmatizing take away all of those by dint of impossibility, obstacle and promise. The promise that is inside is to grow.

Apparently climate change has become a non issue and COVID-19 and the disenfranchised can be forgotten about. And all media can be reduced, limited and eliminated through hierarchy of cohesion.

This planet that reliably orbits its path (until it is blown off that path) is our home. Home can be defined in many ways. One thing for sure though is: It is our only global home.

“It is important that we appreciate how beautiful and fragile it is.” — Phil Sanduskey.

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