Taking a look at state rep candidates
To the Journal editor:
We’ve all noticed Jenn Hill has lots of campaign funds. That’s because she’s a reliable vote for downstate big city elites and willing to betray Yooper culture and lifestyle; a culture and lifestyle that all her predecessors fought to defend. In fact, Hill belittled us Yoopers when, during a January 20, 2023 townhall meeting where local elected officials wanted answers to why Hill voted for the energy bill they all opposed, Jenn Hill said, “all Yoopers want are hot showers and cold beer.” To which Democrat Joe Boogren responded, “We can read. We’re not as dumb as you think we are or make us out to be.”
That energy bill takes zoning control away from local elected officials and into the hands of unelected bureaucrats in Lansing when it comes to wind and solar. That means they can change the zoning of farms and forests from agriculture or recreation to wind or solar and people can no longer farm or grow timber; can’t easily sell it. Yet Hill touts the ease in which they can lease even as it wrecks farms and camps that may have been in the family for several generations.
That bill, with its 60% renewable energy by 2035 requirement, means the cost of propane will triple and destroy our rural communities and way of life for those with camps, those who go camping and others who rely on propane. It’s important to note that the U.P. specific energy study Jenn Hill touts isn’t due til December 1, 2024; a month after the election so Yoopers can’t see the actual damage before we vote.
Despite all her advertising, she doesn’t mention the several gun laws she voted for. Those took effect in February 2024. I urge everyone to read them as they make criminals of many law-abiding Yoopers. They impact you at home and camp. While they might be appropriate for Detroit, Flint and Grand Rapids, they aren’t appropriate in the U.P.
Yoopers have never done much negative ad campaigning because we have small, tight-knit communities of friends and family. Jenn Hill isn’t a Yooper, looks down on Yoopers, and has gone negative in a big way. And misleading. Two examples- Abortion rights are now in the Michigan Constitution and the personal opinion of a state legislator is meaningless; it’s a non-issue. On climate change Bohnak said he is skeptical (didn’t say “hoax”) of the extent humans impact it. The Environmental Protection Agency website says climate change occurs naturally and they believe humans are now impacting it. They don’t know what percentage occurs naturally versus by humans. If the EPA doesn’t know, shouldn’t we all be at least a little skeptical of spending trillions on something that may be out of our control.
Democrats endorsed her Democrat opponent the last election and Democrats ran against her this election because we all want someone in Lansing fighting for our culture and lifestyle and not someone who sides with downstate big city elites.
Joe Holman