
Cast ballot carefully

To the Journal editor:

A coalition of thousands of doctors, nurses, and medical and nursing students representing all 50 states, including over 120 from Michigan, have signed an open letter to U.S. patients put together by the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health.

These medical professionals want you to know that your personal health is on the ballot in this election. A vote for leaders who act on climate change is a vote for health.

Each day medical professionals are seeing the consequences of our changing climate in their offices, clinics, and hospitals. From the tragic events unfolding on the West Coast and Gulf states to the impacts of extreme rain and flood and snow events right here at home. The warming climate also contributes to longer allergy, asthma, mosquito, and tick seasons.

While these professionals are skilled at treating diseases, prevention is still the best medicine. Health experts agree that it is imperative to transition to clean forms of energy and reduce emissions substantially in the next decade.

The enormity of health benefits which would result from making this transition cannot be underestimated.

For the sake of your health, and the health of all you love, vote for legislators who take the climate crisis seriously. A vote for climate is a vote for health!

Starting at $4.62/week.

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