
Eagle Mine eyes new ore body, longer production time

The region received some good economic news recently when it was announced that the Eagle Mine in all likelihood will continue to operate a number of years longer than originally projected.

According to Mining Journal coverage of the matter, Eagle Mine has requested an amendment to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy for its current mining permit to expand underground mining to an area designated as Upper Eagle East.

Area residents have been aware of this ore body for some time.

EGLE said the expansion will result in the addition of an estimated 2 million tons of ore mined, and increases the expected life of the mine through 2029, pending future economic conditions.

All of the above is very good news.

A notice from EGLE noted that the proposed expansion is within the existing footprint previously evaluated in the environmental impact assessment on record and is “not likely to result in foreseeable increased or different environmental impacts than those already addressed in the approved mining permit conditions.”

“The methods of mining and daily mining rates are not proposed to change, and the capacity of existing facilities continue to be sufficient for supporting the operations,” the notice said. “Therefore, EGLE has determinted that the amendment request does not constitute a significant change from the conditions of the approved mining permit …”

Eagle Mine as proven to be a good economic and environmental neighbor. They handle their business the right way while providing good-paying jobs and economic stability.

We are pleased to learn matters are transpiring as they are.

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