

P.E.O. grant award to pursue nursing degree made

Angela Kerekes, right, of Marquette was recently awarded a “P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education Grant” from the P.E.O. Sisterhood. She was sponsored by P.E.O. Chapter BY of Marquette. P.E.O Chapter BY President Jackie Schneider is pictured at left. The grant, established in 1973, provides need-based grants to women in the U.S. and Canada whose education has been interrupted and who find it necessary to return to school to complete a degree or certification that will improve their marketable skills for employment to support themselves and/or families. Kerekes is pursuing a degree in nursing from Bay College in Escanaba and will graduate in May. She received her certification as a licensed practical nurse 23 years ago as a stepping stone to reach her ultimate career goal of being a registered nurse. Chapter BY has been a part of the Marquette community for 75 years. P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization) has been celebrating “women helping women reach for the stars” for more than 156 years. Since its inception in 1869, the nonprofit organization has helped more than 125,000 women pursue educational goals by providing approximately $432 million in grants, scholarships, awards and loans. The sisterhood also owns and supports Cottey College. What started with a bond of friendship among seven women in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, is now one of the oldest women’s organizations in North America with close to 5,500 chapters and more than a half a million members. To learn more about P.E.O., its educational philanthropies and to see stories of women who have benefited from the programs, visit peointernational.org.

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