The Western Action Shooting facility was dedicated on Nov. 2 during the Hiawathaland District Merit Badge Day at Camp Hiawatha. The facility is adjacent to the Jeff Wallner Range and the skeet shooting range. It consists of three stations where older scouts shoot with a .22 caliber pistol, a lever action .22 caliber rifle and a 20 gauge double barrel shotgun. Contributors to the construction were 4 chapters of the U P Whitetails, the U.P. Gun Owners Association, and Scouter Don Miller. Work was done by volunteers on the Camp Hiawatha Property Committee led by Lee Worden and Camp Director Erick Kestila. In the photo, from left, are Mark Kohls, (DePere, WI) Summer Camp shooting sports director, Erick Kestila, (Escanaba) Camp Hiawatha summer camp director, and Alethea Madison Shelly, (Munising) Summer Camp range safety officer. The trio are supervising a scout shooting a double barrel shotgun.