
Blossom Bird welcomed

The Marquette Downtown Development Authority has welcomed Blossom Bird Bubble Tea to 128 N. Third Street. What is Bubble Tea? Bubble tea is a unique drink that originated in Taiwan. It is typically a milk tea, but served here as an iced tea and frozen blended beverage as well, all with flavor options. This unique business also creates beautiful and enchanting custom cakes. Blossom Bird Bubble Tea is open Tuesday-Thursday from noon until 7 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Visit their website blossombirdbubbletea.com or contact at blossombirdtea.com or 906-273-0978. Pictured from the left: Kaila and Daniel Ball, business owners, and Rebecca Finco, DDA Executive Director.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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