
Clear Lake aids Long Riders

Clear Lake Education Center announces a donation to its Stewards Group from the Jack Pine Lodge and Long Riders Sportsman’s Club. The Jack Pine has hosted the Long Riders Snowmobile Relic Ride for many years. This year, Kevin Knaffla, owner of the Jack Pine, announced that the proceeds from the Relic Ride would go to three groups: Eva Burrell Animal Shelter, U.P. Honor Flight, and Clear Lake Education Center. Clear Lake is a partnership between the Delta-Schoolcraft Intermediate School District, Marquette Alger Regional Educational Services Agency, and the U.S. Forest Service – Hiawatha National Forest. The center connects people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds to the natural world through recreational and educational programs. Many students from U.P. schools visit the Education Center for one to three days, learning about the environment and wildlife of the area. For years, CLEC was funded through large grants and other contributions from MARESA, DSISD, and the Hiawatha National Forest. After those grants were expended and as partner contributions have decreased, CLEC has had to discover new means of funding. To that end, the Clear Lake Education Center Stewards Group was created. The CLEC Stewards are a group of dedicated individuals from varied backgrounds who feel connected to the mission, staff, or location of the Center. They have a passion to lend expertise and energy to Clear Lake’s long-term viability and a desire to make it the best it can be. Working out details for incorporation and achieving 501c3 non-profit status will provide the ability to seek more grant funding and move the Center toward a sustainable future. The money contributed by the Jack Pine Lodge and Long Riders will support the Clear Lake Stewards Group. Along with other benefits, membership in the Stewards Group will include an annual meeting at the Center with a weekend stay and activities for the whole family. For more information about Clear Lake or its Stewards Group, contact Director Mimi Klotz – clearlake@dsisd.net or 906-280-5364.

Starting at $4.62/week.

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