

Fans flock to 5th GeekU.P.

HOUGHTON — For seven hours Saturday, fans of gaming, science fiction, anime, cosplay and other interests congregated at the Rozsa Center for the fifth annual GeekU.P. Throughout the day, fans browsed vendors in the lobby, met with their favorite actors or ran into people who loved the same ...

Kingsford council OKs variance for new garage

KINGSFORD — Kingsford City Council approved a zoning variance for a nearly completed garage on Riverhills Road, despite some objections. Kurt Lehmann requested the variance after finding out his garage had been constructed 12 feet into the 25-foot setback required by the city. When the ...

Hancock OKs Quincy Green, Ryan St. Garden purchases

HANCOCK — Two important community spots in Hancock will stay open to the public. Hancock City Council approved purchase agreements for Quincy Green and the Ryan Street Community Garden at a special meeting Wednesday night, while also approving an application for a state grant for ...

Norway’s council hears request for diesel island

NORWAY — A request from Krist Oil to change zoning language to accommodate the addition of a diesel island at its 625 Brown St. station in Norway failed to go forward this week. Norway City Council on Wednesday heard Krist’s application for a zoning change to allow fuel stations in the B2 ...

Escanaba council changes fees for building permits

ESCANABA — A change made to the fees for building permits in the city of Escanaba could be more equitable, but one Escanaba City Council member is concerned the new fee formula could hinder development. Prior to Thursday’s council meeting, building permit fees were tied to the size of a ...

More than fair value: Youth livestock auction sees sales soar

NORWAY — Dickinson County youth worked hard year-round raising project animals, all pointing toward the fair’s youth livestock auction. That dedication paid off for exhibitors as a large crowd of prospective buyers bid on their prized animals. Those 45 program participants raised a ...