
Superiorland Yesterdays

EDITOR’S NOTE: Superiorland Yesterdays is prepared by the reference desk staff at Peter White Public Library.

30 years ago

ISHPEMING — The late John D. Voelker is being inducted into the National Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame in Hayward, Wis. Voelker, an Ishpeming native who died in 1991 at the age of 87, was a former Michigan Supreme Court Justice, well-known fly fisherman and author of 11 books, including “Anatomy of a Murder.” Some of his more popular books, however, centered around fishing for trout in his beloved Upper Peninsula. “Had I been able to fish for trout all year up here, I never would have written 11 books,” Voelker once said. Voelker was chosen for enshrinement into the hall along with baseball legend Ted Williams and Bill Cullerton, who spend more than 50 years working with the American Fishing Tackle Manufactures Association.

60 years ago

MARQUETTE– Marquette’s city commission has authorized the engagement of an architectural engineering firm to make a parking survey in the downtown district. Action was taken at last night’s special; meeting of the commission in the city hall, after Commissioner Edward L. Downey Jr said the city should investigate the possibility of establishing a ramp parking setup in the downtown area. City Manager Thomas Moore was directed to hire the architectural firm, to survey the existing parking facilities and make a preliminary plans for a ramp parking setup. No specific area was disclosed in the commission’s brief discussion on the matter, but presumably it has in mind sections of Main St., east and west of S. Front., on existing municipal parking lots or in other available downtown lots not presently owned by the city. It also is expected that the city will hire another meter maid to assist Carol McKnight in the surveillance of metered areas.

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