
Superiorland Yesterdays

30 years ago

NATIONAL MINE — Firefighters this morning were continuing to battle a stubborn coal fire in a storage building at the Tilden Mine. The fire was discovered early Tuesday morning in a storage building containing a pile of several thousand tons of western coal, said Don Ryan, spokesman for mine manager Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. The fire is small but stubborn, Ryan said. He said officials are using foam to attack the fire. Tilden employees will remove the coal not on fire so the location of the fire can be pinpointed. The fire is believed to be caused by spontaneous combustion, which Ryan said is not uncommon in western coal. The Tilden Mine fire department is fighting the fire. Ishpeming Township firefighters spent more than 12 hours on the scene Tuesday. The department first responded at 1:30 a.m. and returned to the scene at about 4:20 p.m.

90 years ago

NEGAUNEE — Plans for further modernization of the city’s water system are being made by the board of public works and approval will be sought from the ERA for replacing wooden mains with cast iron pipe on Main street and extending the main in the Hartford location, according to Mayor James A. Thomas, member of the Marquette county relief commission. The major ERA project underway is replacement of wooden mains on Case street with six-inch cast iron pipe extending from Healy avenue to Teal Lake avenue. The state ERA has approved a project for grading three and one-half miles of the Jutila road in the Goose Lake area southeast of the city. Ditching and clearing work is included.

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