30 years ago
ISHPEMING — Chick Coron just might know more secrets than anyone else in Ishpeming. It just seems that when someone sits down in Chick’s barbershop chair, he’s making a friend for life. Even after 47 years in the same barbershop, the Ishpeming native isn’t ready to retire. “I’ve got everyone from lumberjacks to judges for customers. It’s a nice diversified business,” Chick said. While he won’t retire, Chick has cut back to three days a week. He doesn’t take appointments because he prefers the walk-in business. In the late 1940s, Chick was a walk-in customer at the very same barbershop, struck up a conversation with John Beauchamp, who owned the place back then, and was soon on his way to barber college in Green Bay, Wis. Business has changed a great deal in 47 years. He no longer gives facials, shaves, scalp treatments or neck adjustments, but has visited hospitals private residences, and funeral homes when needed. Chick and his wife, Dorothy, are very active in the Ishpeming community.
60 years ago
ISHPEMING — Another capacity audience is anticipated for the closing session of the 1965 Mining Journal Cooking School to be held at 7:30 this evening in the Ishpeming High School auditorium. More than 1,000 women were present yesterday afternoon as the Journal, with its co-sponsor, the Upper Peninsula Power Co., presented Marvyl I. Wilson in a series of new recipes and new methods of cooking. The women thrilled to the presentation of some of the 1965 appliance models, particularly the Montgomery Ward Signature range and refrigerator, Varvil’s beautiful kitchen ensemble, and Selin’s showing of washers and dryers. Food bags, gifts from scores of merchants, electric appliances, and gift certificates, all were in a swelling list of gifts that made the show one of the greatest of the year. The grand prize, a Montgomery Ward Signature electric range, will be given away tonight.