
Trappers workshop set

HERMANSVILLE — Nearly 20 years ago, then District 3 president, Rick Arduin, came up with the idea of bringing together a hundred or more youngsters who might be interested in trapping.

This year, the workshop is free and open to the public. Doors open at 8 a.m. and will run until about 2 p.m. (All times CST). The date is Feb. 1 and the site is the Community Center in Hermansville.

Featured at this event will be three demos by Upper Peninsula trappers members. Weasel/red squirrel by Jimmy Fornetti, mink/muskrat by Jeremy Lundin, and raccoons by John Gunville.

For times of these demos and more information go to www.uptrappers.com and click on upcoming events on the top menu.

Trapping supply dealer Trevor Barnes of Barnes Hide and Fur will be on hand offering a wide selection of trapping gear for sale. He will also be buying fur, (put up, rough skinned and carcass weasel.)

Attendees will have a “hands on” chance to build their own mink box under the guidance of members of U.P. Trappers and additional items will be added to complete the mink kit. Those youngsters that don’t wish to build a mink box can choose a “Weasel/Squirrel Kit,” a “Muskrat Kit,” or a “Raccoon Kit” instead. They can sign up for Trapper Ed. Classes, and membership in UP Trappers. The concession stand will be open throughout the day. There will be a drawing for prizes where all the youngsters win.

Mike Lewis (director of the workshop) stated, “I don’t know who has more fun at this workshop. The kids or the old timers who work at it. It is great to see the positive interaction between kids and the older trappers! Rick Arduin’s vision of twenty years ago continues to be a remarkable success. Rick and Eugene would be so proud!”

Starting at $4.62/week.

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