
Police log

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following information is collected from Marquette City Police Department dispatch log books recorded at the time the calls were received. The incidents reported may have proven to be unfounded once police investigated. Some log entries may be edited or omitted due to space constraints.

Dec. 6

≤ 1:05 a.m., property check, 200 block Blaker Street

≤ 1:11 a.m., loud noise complaint, not loud upon arrival, subject advised of complaint and warned, 200 block West Ridge Street

≤ 1:41 a.m., property check, South Marquette Schools

≤ 2:23 a.m., operating while intoxicated arrest, lodged at the Marquette County Jail, Wright Street near Presque Isle Avenue

≤ 7:23 a.m., school check, 1200 block West Fair Avenue

≤ 7:32 a.m., school check, 1200 block West Fair Avenue

≤ 7:40 a.m., property check, 2100 block Sugar Loaf Avenue

≤ 7:52 a.m., report of a disabled vehicle in the intersection, area checked, vehicle gone on arrival, U.S. 41 near McClellan Avenue

≤ 8:21 a.m., school check, 1200 block Tierney Street

≤ 8:48 a.m., animal complaint, 300 block Rock Street

≤ 8:58 a.m., two-car property damage accident, 700 block North Third Street

≤ 9:05 a.m., crossing guard duty, 600 block North Front Street

≤ 9:07 a.m., crossing guard duty, 400 block North Sixth Street

≤ 9:27 a.m., school check, 400 block North Sixth Street

≤ 9:59 a.m., school check, 1100 block Erie Avenue

≤ 10:22 a.m., school check, 1000 block Ortman Road

≤ 10:38 a.m., school check, 1200 block West Fair Avenue

≤ 10:54 a.m., warrant arrest, lodged at the Marquette County Jail, South McClellan Avenue near Odovero Drive

≤ 10:54 a.m., traffic offense arrest, South McClellan Avenue near Odovero Drive

≤ 10:56 a.m., vehicle lockout, 1800 block Waldo Street

≤ 11:17 a.m., vehicle lockout, 200 block South Fifth Street

≤ 11:35 a.m., motorist assist, 1000 block Champion Street

≤ 11:44 a.m., report of a subject on the ground, area checked, subject gone on arrival, 600 block West Washington Street

≤ 12:02 p.m., report of a subject yelling while walking, subject stated he was in pain, refused EMS, 1000 block West Washington Street

≤ 12:30 p.m., vehicle lockout, 200 block West Spring Street

≤ 12:58 p.m., vehicle lockout, 100 block West Baraga Avenue

≤ 1:01 p.m., vehicle lockout, 1200 block West Fair Avenue

≤ 1:28 p.m., fingerprints, 300 block West Baraga Avenue

≤ 1:39 p.m., disabled vehicle partially blocking traffic, vehicle was towed, assistance given, Magnetic Street near North Fourth Street

≤ 1:54 p.m., school check, 1100 block Ortman Road

≤ 2:10 p.m., school check, 1200 block South McClellan Avenue

≤ 2:28 p.m., harassment complaint, advice given, 2300 block Diorite Street

≤ 2:35 p.m., school check, 1200 block West Fair Avenue

≤ 2:49 p.m., assistance given, 1200 block West Fair Avenue

≤ 2:52 p.m., wellbeing check, 300 block Whetstone Road

≤ 2:55 p.m., traffic offense arrest, processed and released, M553 near Ski Hill

≤ 2:58 p.m., disorderly subject, subject removed from the property and moved along, 300 block West Baraga Avenue

≤ 2:59 p.m., report of a suspicious subject, no longer in the area, 700 block Grove Street

≤ 4:02 p.m., found property check, 200 block North Front Street

≤ 5:19 p.m., wellbeing check, 300 block Pine Street

≤ 5:30 p.m., property check, 200 block North Lakeshore Boulevard

≤ 5:38 p.m., report of a suspicious odor in the area, area checked, nothing located, 2300 block Presque Isle Avenue

≤ 5:41 p.m., vehicle lockout, 1200 block Wright Street

≤ 6:28 p.m., 911 hang-up, area checked, unable to locate, 100 block North Front Street

≤ 6:51 p.m., report of issue between neighbors, issue resolved, 1800 block Harbor Vista Drive

≤ 7:55 p.m., property check, 200 block North Lakeshore Boulevard

≤ 8:20 p.m., property check, 100 block West Main Street

≤ 8:30 p.m., community engagement at the NMU hockey game, 1400 block Presque Isle Avenue

≤ 9:18 p.m., report of a harassing phone call, advice given, 700 block West College Avenue

≤ 9:39 p.m., traffic control for the NMU hockey game, North Third Street near West Fair Avenue

≤ 9:47 p.m., assault complaint, 200 block Meeske Avenue

≤ 10:21 p.m., loud noise complaint, no violation heard, renter advised of ordinance, 200 block West Arch Street

≤ 10:46 p.m., assistance given, 2400 block U.S. 41 West

≤ 11:30 p.m., property check, 400 block West Washington Street

≤ 11:36 p.m., report of a disorderly subject, subject was gone on arrival, 500 block North Fourth Street

≤ 11:45 p.m., 100 block West Baraga Avenue

Dec. 7

≤ 12:09 a.m., property check, 100 block West Washington Street

≤ 1:29 a.m., property check, 700 block North Third Street

≤ 1:44 a.m., property check, 200 block North Lakeshore Boulevard

≤ 2:08 a.m., foot patrol downtown, 100 block West Washington Street

≤ 3:01 a.m., operating while intoxicated, lodged at the Marquette County Jail, Norwood Street near Neidhart Avenue

≤ 5:59 a.m., school check, North Marquette Schools

≤ 7:44 a.m, officer flagged down about a suspicious vehicle parked with clothing hanging off it, vehicle was checked and unoccupied, 100 block West Baraga Avenue

≤ 9:22 a.m., found dog, returned to owner, 1000 block West Baraga Avenue

≤ 10:09 a.m., property check, 100 block Peter White Drive

≤ 11:31 a.m., wellbeing check, 200 block Dobson Place

≤ 11:39 a.m., vehicle lockout, 1000 block West Ridge Street

≤ 12:18 p.m., assistance given, 300 block West Baraga Avenue

≤ 1:25 p.m., report of an assault, no assault, two subjects were engaged in horseplay, 600 block West Washington Street

≤ 2:14 p.m., assistance given, 300 block West Baraga Avenue

≤ 2:57 p.m., warrant arrest, lodged at the Marquette County Jail, 1200 block West Washington Street

≤ 2:59 p.m., civil stand by, assistance given, 200 block Rock Street

≤ 3:01 p.m., wellbeing check, 900 block Champion Street

≤ 3:26 p.m., property check, North Front Street near East Michigan Street

≤ 4:07 p.m., found property check, returned to owner, 600 block North Third Street

≤ 6:12 p.m., property check, 400 block South McClellan Avenue

≤ 8:45 p.m., hockey traffic detail, North Third Street near West Fair Avenue

≤ 9:01 p.m., vehicle on the side of the road with flashers on, having vehicle trouble, all okay, U.S. 41 near Prison Road

≤ 9:07 p.m., property check, 1900 block U.S. 41 West

≤ 10:49 p.m., report of a loud party, not loud upon arrival, renter advised, 700 block North Front Street

≤ 11:06 p.m., property check, 100 block West Main Street

≤ 11:22 p.m., assistance at MSHS Christmas Dance, 1200 block West Fair Avenue

≤ 11:49 p.m., property check, 200 block North Lakeshore Boulevard

Dec. 8

≤ 12:03 a.m., wellbeing check, 200 block Meeske Avenue

≤ 12:13 a.m., property check, 300 block North Seventh Street

≤ 1:28 a.m., assistance given, 800 block West Washington Street

≤ 2:06 a.m., foot patrol downtown, 100 block West Washington Street

≤ 2:22 a.m., warrant arrest, lodged at the Marquette county Jail, West Washington Street

≤ 2:45 a.m., assistance given, 2000 block U.S. 41

≤ 4:17 a.m., school checks, North Marquette Schools

≤ 6:44 a.m., animal complaint, 400 block Albert Street

≤ 8:05 a.m., vehicle lockout, 500 block Schoolcraft Road

≤ 9:30 a.m., assistance given, 300 block West Baraga Avenue

≤ 9:31 a.m., animal complaint, 400 block Genesee Street

≤ 10:46 a.m., parking complaint, Front Street near Prospect Street

≤ 11:33 a.m., alarm, unfounded, 1500 block West Washington Street

≤ 12:05 p.m., hit and run property damage accident, U.S. 41 near West Washington Street

≤ 12:39 p.m., report of disorderly subjects, area checked, gone on arrival, 300 block West Washington Street

≤ 1:35 p.m., report of a suspicious vehicle, gone on arrival, 1500 block West Avenue

≤ 2:19 p.m., vehicle lockout, 1000 block West Washington Street

≤ 3:05 p.m., report of a fire on the beach, subject spoken to, 800 block South Lake Street

≤ 4:08 p.m., assistance given, North Third Street near West Washington Street

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