
Women’s Day of Reflection Nov. 16

MARQUETTE — Church cantor and writer, Melanie Coddington, returns to Marquette from her home in central Virginia to lead a free Women’s Day of Reflection on Nov. 16 at St. Michael Catholic Parish in Marquette.

The day will begin with continental breakfast at 9 a.m. and conclude at 3:30 p.m. ET. Lunch is included. Women from throughout the Upper Peninsula are invited to attend.

Coddington will call upon her 40-year career of serving parishes and a Catholic diocese to present scripture-based presentations that will combine song, prayer, scripture reflection and dialogue.

The morning session will focus on lessons from our sisters of faith in the Bible, Mary and Martha, as participants explore how hospitality and contemplation ground the spiritual life. In the afternoon, Coddington will address how to build a bridge to peace by embracing the love of God for neighbor, self and enemy.

There is no charge to attend this Day of Reflection thanks to financial support from a Catholic Diocese of Marquette mission grant, as well as the St. Michael Parish Altar Society and Adult Faith Formation. However, participants are asked to pre-register by calling the St. Michael Parish office at 906-228-8180 or emailing liturgy@stmichaelmqt.org by Nov. 11.

Coddington has shaped the ministry of thousands of cantors, serving as principal cantor and minister of music; as a teacher of cantors for the National Association of Pastoral Musicians and a voice teacher of teens and adults; as an editor and writer for NPM and Oregon Catholic Press; and as a minister of faith formation and liturgy at St. Michael Parish in Marquette.

As regional minister for Christian Formation for the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, Coddington provided catechetical and pastoral support to parishes in southwest Virginia, while contributing her musical and liturgical skills and her flair for facilitating adult groups to learning events held throughout the diocese.

Now retired and residing with family in Virginia, she continues to provide lectionary-based scripture reflections and intercessions to southwest Virginia parishes, and facilitates retreats and adult learning events as requested, sharing her love of scripture and her gift of song.

Coddington holds a master’s degree in pastoral studies from Loyola University in New Orleans.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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