Backpack SOS to be held
Marquette – Backpack SOS (Support Our Students) will take place on Saturday, August 17 at Silver Creek Church. Starting at 9AM and going until 11AM, this drive-thru event requires no pre-registration. School-aged children (preschool through 12th grade) will receive backpacks, school supplies, oral hygiene products, socks & clothing vouchers for Silver Creek Thrift. Families are asked to stay in their vehicles and follow the directions of the parking lot team. Supplies are limited but every effort will be made to help each family that attends. Early pick-up is not available. Silver Creek Church is located at 219 Silver Creek Road in Harvey. Backpack SOS, in its 18th year, is supported in part through grants and donations from the Community Foundation of Marquette County, Zonta Club of Marquette, Delta Dental Foundation, Marquett Noon Rotary, Convoy of Hope and Sock It To ‘Em Sock Campaign. For further information on this year’s event, please call Silver Creek Church at 906-249-1715 or visit