Special Olympics marked

Special Olympic athletes Logan Saarela, Dale Kolpack and Brody Merrick are seen just before heading up the lift for the ski slalom race. Area 36 Special Olympics Winter Games athletes gathered at Marquette Mountain Saturday afternoon to compete in the Upper Peninsula Regional Winter Games. Athletes from throughout the Upper Peninsula competed in skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, snowshoeing and figure skating, said Area 36 Director Pamela Bahrman. “It’s a huge opportunity. These athletes have trained for over 10 weeks and they’re coming all together to show their skills to the community and each other,” Bahrman said. An award ceremony took place after the games and athletes celebrated the day with a dinner and dance. The best part about the winter games is “the athletes’ smiles, the athletes’ cheers and that,” Bahrman said. “It’s all worth it when you see that smile on their face.” The winter games was sponsored by Bahrman Potato Farm, Rippling River Resort, Goodwill, Morning Thunder Drummers, U.P. Rowing, Holiday Inn, Globe Printing, Knights of Columbus, Marquette Mountain, the Negaunee Elks Lodge and Wilderness Sports.(Journal photo by Trinity Carey)
“ Bahrman said. An award ceremony took place after the games and athletes celebrated the day with a dinner and dance. The best part about the winter games is “the athletes’ smiles, the athletes’ cheers and that,” Bahrman said. “It’s all worth it when you see that smile on their face.” The winter games was sponsored by Bahrman Potato Farm, Rippling River Resort, Goodwill, Morning Thunder Drummers, U.P. Rowing, Holiday Inn, Globe Printing, Knights of Columbus, Marquette Mountain, the Negaunee Elks Lodge and Wilderness Sports.(Journal photo by Trinity Carey)[/caption]