
United Way of Marquette County to hold 10th annual citywide Easter egg hunt

MARQUETTE — United Way of Marquette County will once again host its citywide Easter Egg hunt this year, making this the event’s 10th year running.

The free event will begin at 8 a.m. on Monday, April 14, and will continue until Saturday, April 19. One dozen eggs will be hidden throughout the greater Marquette area and clues will be posted as to the eggs’ locations twice per day on the United Way of Marquette County’s Facebook page.

“This is a great community event that anyone can participate in,” said Andrew Rickauer, director of the United Way of Marquette County. “Show up and hunt!”

No sign-up is required to participate in the egg hunt.

Past egg locations have included Wetmore Bog, Hurley Field, Kaufman Sports Complex and Shiras Park, so while the eggs will not all be located within city limits, they can all be found within a short drive from town.

When an egg is found, sleuths can either message the United Way Marquette Facebook account or contact the number on the paper slip with the egg, and each person who finds an egg can expect to win a prize basket of local gift cards and items valued at approximately $250.

Prize baskets will be awarded at the kid’s Easter Egg Hunt at Presque Isle Park on April 19, another free event put on by United Way of Marquette County in collaboration with the Kiwanis club.

That event, which boasts over 4,000 hidden toy- and candy-filled eggs, will be held near the bandshell/playground area at Presque Isle, and begins at 10 a.m. The hunt will be split into separate areas for younger and older children. Rickauer recommends people show up early, because “the hunt starts on time and it can go quickly.”

In addition to the egg hunt and the awarding of city egg hunt prize baskets, the Presque Isle egg hunt will feature appearances by the Marquette City Fire Department and the Easter Bunny, and snacks will be provided.

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