Negaunee accepting Vista Theater bids, wins court judgment

The Vista Theater in Negaunee is pictured. (Journal photo by Jessica Potila)
NEGAUNEE — The city of Negaunee is seeking bids for the latest project to renovate a historic downtown building.
The project involves steel panel removal at the Iron Street building which has housed the Vista Theater for nearly a century.
The city purchased the building from the Peninsula Arts Appreciation Council for $1 in March 2024. A collapsed roof has since been replaced on the structure.
Sealed bids are now being accepted for work involving removal and storage of porcelain enamel steel soffit and wall panels, according to the city of Negaunee website.
Bids must be submitted to the city clerk before 11 a.m. on March 27.
In other Negaunee news, the city recently received a favorable court judgment regarding another Iron Street building.
The Kirkwood Building was removed after a collapsed roof caused it to crash to the ground in 2019.
The city sued the building’s owner to recoup costs associated with damages caused by the structure’s collapse and demolition of the building.
“Despite repeated requests to, the owner failed and/or refused to take necessary remedial action to abate the hazard, and the city of Negaunee voted to utilize its emergency powers under the city’s property maintenance code to demolish the building,” according to the city’s website.
A Marquette County circuit court judge issued the Feb. 28 judgment in Negaunee’s favor for $222,369.57, which includes court costs.
“The outcome of this case not only shows the city used its powers properly to preserve and protect the public’s health, safety and welfare, it also demonstrates the expectations that the tax payers of Negaunee will not be on the hook due to negligent building owners,” said Negaunee City Manager Nate Heffron.