Coming home
MARQUETTE — Upper Peninsula childhoods are never far from the hearts of those who grow up here.
Cartographers have been known to forget about this 10.5 million-plus-acre parcel of land tucked away between three Great Lakes, but people who have lived the unique experience that is “the U.P.” invariably come home.
Some come home to visit family, some for the opportunity to enjoy outdoor adventure and some might make a trip back north simply to eat a pasty.
Mike Melka got to enjoy all three of those things this week.
Melka, 50, didn’t move too far away. He left to take a job in the Green Bay, Wisconsin, area in 1999.
Although Wisconsin has been known to engage in its share of wintery weather, Melka said there is no place like home when it comes to enjoying his favorite hobby.
“The best snowmobiling I have ever done in my life is in Upper Michigan, by all means,” he said.
He and his father, Paul Melka, 74, of Marquette, hit the trails Wednesday morning for a cruise from Marquette to Diorite, picking up a few Lawry’s pasties on the way.
The snowmobile party also included Paul’s buddy, Jimmy Garrow.
Mike Melka described the U.P. trails as being “smooth” during the outing.
“They were beautiful, flat as can be,” he said. “Do you know though, the best part of it is spending time with my father; that is what I love most about snowmobiling. Being with my dad, that is the world to me.”
The father and son have a shared passion for snowmobiles, and own 11 machines between them. In Mike’s case, that includes mostly vintage snowmobiles, which he restores. His latest project is a 1967 Polaris Colt.
Melka purchases the vintage machines for about $300.
“I take them right down to bare bones and replace everything that needs to be replaced,” he said.
The love of older snowmobiles grew out of his childhood on a farm, where he would often hear the machines traveling through nearby woods.
“I would sit by the trail and wait for the snowmobiles to go by. Sometimes people would give me a ride. Every snowmobile I wanted as a kid I have since boughten,” he said. “I just love them. If I know I’m getting a snowmobile the next day, I have a hard time sleeping the night before.”
Mike visits the U.P. regularly to snowmobile with his father.
“Just being out on the trail, getting the fresh air, taking in all of the scenery and wildlife — you’ll see things out there people don’t see. You’ll see a fox or a deer or an eagle,” he said. Taking in nature, to be honest, it’s beautiful. You don’t realize that until you’re older.”
Jessica Potila can be reached at 906-228-2500. Her email address is