Cycling the world for change
Journal Staff Writer
MARQUETTE — Not only does David Ligouy ride around the world with an unusual mode of transportation, he’s taking the trip to bring attention to important issues.
The 52-year-old French activist made a recent stop in Marquette during his journey to bring attention to the issues of climate awareness, nuclear weapons and feminism.
He has been riding a solar panel-powered electric-assist bike and is in his fourth year of the worldwide trip.
Ligouy is affiliated with the Le Mouvement de la Paix, which roughly translates to “the peace movement” in English.
The organization promotes peace and opposes nuclear armaments.
It was initiated by the United nations in the aftermath of World War II.
The non-government organization has been part of the impetus behind the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross, went into effect in 2021.
It is an agreement to comprehensively prohibit nuclear weapons. The treaty also includes provisions to address the humanitarian consequences of the use and testing of nuclear weapons.
“When you achieve your goal, then it’s a bomus,” Ligouy said.
Feminism is part of his mission as well.
“Now I’m running for women,” said Ligouy, who said his effort will address social and economic inequality.
A solar-powered E-bike for women, he noted, would be it’s own kind of liberation.
“We want to fight discrimination,” Ligouy said.
Reducing greenhouse gases is a benefit from such a bike, he said.
But it also will battle misogyny since worldwide, women in particular want to have mobility for daily use.
Men need mobility too, but he said the poorest people in the world are women.
“In South America, Latin America, the price of fuel is becoming more and more expensive,” Ligouy said. “They are to first ones to suffer from this.”
He now is on his way to Montreal where he will attend the December World Politicians and Expert Speakers Biodiversity Summit Conference.
Ligouy, who has a master of science degree in green energies for developing countries, said he writes books to help fund the trip, but the French peace movement also sponsors him.
He is making the long journey solo. So, it’s not surprising that he has to make rest stops along the way, such as the one he made in Marquette after traveling from directly Minneapolis and Iron Mountain.
What does he think of the Upper Peninsula?
“It’s a perfect time for me now because it’s fall season,” Ligouy said. “I really love this season. It’s beautiful colors, beautiful light.”
And he saw a bald eagle.
Ligouy also said he has lost weight on his trip.
“I was not in shape,” Ligouy said. “Now I am in shape.”
To learn more about his efforts, visit
Christie Mastric can be reached at 906-228-2500, ext. 250. Her email address is