
Tuesday: Health

MDHHS launches initiative to strengthen behavioral health care access, quality

LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is launching an initiative designed to improve access to quality behavioral health care. As part of this effort, MDHHS is seeking public input through an online survey as the department moves to a competitive procurement ...

Talk with the Doc

Next week, on Monday, March 17th, we celebrate our annual St. Patrick’s Irish Holiday. I am proud that I have some Irish ancestry in that my mother was 100 percent Irish. Let us now take at look at St. Patrick and the history of this highly celebrated holiday. St. Patrick’s Day is ...

Emergency mental health transport remains burden on UP residents

NEWBERRY — Last year, someone called Upper Peninsula support group director Robin Spindlow, threatening suicide. After the person refused help, Spindlow filed paperwork for police to assist with the emergency. The person was taken to the local hospital and held in protective custody by ...

Talk with the Doc

Following is a list of all eleven of our United States Holidays, as designated by our federal government. New Year’s Day, Jan. 1 Martin Luther King’s Birthday, 3rd Monday in January President’s Day, 3rd Monday in February Memorial Day, Last Monday in May Juneteenth National ...

Health matters

I don’t like causing pain. Maybe it’s a psychological thing…..but, regardless, I dislike hurting people. And yet, as a physician, there are some situations where it is unavoidable. (I’m hoping this sentiment is true for most healthcare providers but I’ve read no survey on the topic.) ...