Talk with the Doc: Unites States of America fun facts
Let me now review for you what I consider to be some interesting and informative fun facts and history about our great United States of America. I truly believe it is very important for all of us to learn and to occasionally recall the history of our great nation. It is also very important that we teach all our children about the history of the United States so they can also appreciate what so many did to create our great nation.
How many United Stated Capital Cities are named after Presidents of the United States? There are four and here they are in alphabetical order. 1) Jackson, Mississippi, 2) Jefferson City, Missouri, 3) Lincoln, Nebraska, and 4) Madison, Wisconsin.
How many USA State Capital Cities start with the letter “A”? There are five. 1) Austin, Texas, 2) Atlanta, Georgia, 3) Albany, New York, 4) Annapolis, Maryland, and 5) Augusta, Maine.
There are many examples throughout history of the amazing power of personal persistence leading to personal success. Perhaps the greatest historical example of this is found in a review of the persistence of Abraham Lincoln, who, through his dramatic personal persistence, went on to become the 16th President of our great nation. Over a remarkable period of 28 years, Abraham Lincoln ran in a total of 10 State and Federal elections, and he lost 7 of these 10 elections, resulting in a 70 percent loss rate. Fortunately, for our country, in 1860 he ran for President of the United States and won. Clearly, this demonstrates Abraham Lincoln to be one of the most persistent politicians in our nation’s history.
Following are a few historical facts about our USA Presidents. Who was the longest serving USA President? The only president in American history to serve more than two four-year terms was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He actually served three full terms, for a total of 12 years, as well as the first three months of a fourth term until his death on April 12, 1945.
A total of 13 presidents have served exactly two full terms, for a total of eight years. Eight of them came before Roosevelt. These first eight included George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Ulysses Grant and Woodrow Wilson who served their terms consecutively. Grover Cleveland served two terms separated by the four-year term of Benjamin Harrison.
Five more presidents, including Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama all served two terms as our USA President. They all served after the 22nd Amendment was passed, and this 22nd Amendment limited the USA Presidential term to only two terms, so they all had to leave after serving their two terms, for a total of eight years.
I hope you enjoyed these USA history and fun facts, and God Bless America!
EDITOR’S NOTE: Dr. Jim Surrell is the author of “The ABC’s For Success In All We Do” and the “SOS (Stop Only Sugar) Diet” books.Contact Dr. Surrell by email at