
Good advice

Dear Annie: Somatic therapy could help with trauma

Dear Annie: I’m a 45-year-old male and have had many traumatic events in my past, including abuses too bad to name. My problem is, as I was growing up, I was so mistreated that I never learned how to feel. I had to suppress everything I was feeling and disconnect from my emotions and body to ...

Dear Annie: When to hold on and when to let go

Dear Annie: Seven years ago, I met a guy on a dating site. I’m 13 years older than him, but I look much younger than my age. After we matched, he asked me on a date, and we kissed. From there, we kept texting, flirting and engaging in a lot of suggestive conversations -- but he never asked me ...

Dear Annie: Before you bring home a holiday pet

Dear Annie: I have a 47-year-old son who lives with me. He pays no rent, and he does not help with the bills. He does help with some of the yard work and housecleaning, but he ignores it if I ask him to help with something that I would like. For instance, he failed to install a Dish network ...

Car Talk: With new shift controller options, it’s all a matter of taste

Dear Car Talk: I am a 72-year-old woman who drives a 2011 VW Jetta with a 5-speed manual transmission. I LOVE my car! Eventually, I will need a new car and am thinking about a hybrid SUV. I have test-driven a Honda CR-V (liked it) and a Toyota Corolla Cross (too small). When we looked at a ...

Dear Annie: Dealing with difficult exes during holidays

Dear Annie: How do I convey to my adult married children that I do not like being around my ex for the holidays? My son lives several states away, and he invited my daughter and her family, my ex, and my wife and me for Thanksgiving together. This will be the first time in close to seven years ...